Success Stories

These alumni who played with a OGATOUR.ORG member tour/activity,
deserve special recognition for their achievements in golf.
Wishing them well, they are invited to play
with any activity again.
For those deceased members, we wish their loved ones well,
and remember them here with respect and fondness.

Mitch Adcock
Joe Affrunti
Joe Alfieri
Fulton Allem
Maurice Allen (long drive champ)
Yano Azuma
Ahmad Bateman
Ben Banks
Aaron Barber
Andy Bean
Camillo Benedetti
Thomas Blankvoort
Jason Bohn

Matt Borchert
Casey Bourque
Craig Bowden

Michael Bradley
David Branshaw
Ted Brown
Bret Burroughs
Rodney Butcher
Jim Chancey
Hye Choi

Joe Cioe
Bobby Cole
John Connelly
Chris Couch

David Creamer
John Paul Curley
Paul Curry
Brian Davis

Marco Dawson

Brian DeCorso

Sally Dee
Paul Dickinson
Don Donatello
Tyler Duncan

John Elliott
Maria Fassi

Big Cat Jim Evans (long drive champ)
Jack Ferenz
Fast Eddie Fernandes (long drive champ)

Tony Finau

Steve Ford
Bobby Gage
Sandra Gal

Robert Gamez
Brian Gay
Elliot Gealy
Jeff Gibson
Nick Gilliam
Sue Ginter-Brooker
Jeff Golden
David Gossett
Lanto Griffin

Scott Gump
Gary Hallberg
Jim Hallet
Travis Hampshire
Ty Harris
Mads Vibe-Hastrup

Bob Heintz
Denny Hepler
Glen Hnatiuk
Charles Hong
Sam Horsfield
John Huston
Tripp Isenhour
Ryuji Imada

David Jackson
[winner 1993 & 1998 US Opens]

Andrew Johnson

Doug Johnson
Rob Johnson
Gene Jones

Pete Jordan
Takashi Kamiyama
Brian Kamm
Masahiro Kawamura
Soo Kim
Kyung Tae Kim
[JPGA Tour Champion]

Brad Klapprott
Jeff Klauk

Gary Koch
Tomo Kondo

John Koskinen
Takeaki Koyama
Cliff Kresge

Derek Lamely

Jung Yeon Lee
Mee Na Lee

Bob Lendzion
Brittany Lincicome

[2 LPGA Majors: 2009 Nabisco, 2015 ANA]

Nick Lindheim
Kris Lindstrom
Bob Lohr
Bernadette Luse
Anna Acker-Makosko
Rich Massey
Dick Mast

Connie Masterson
Andy Matthews
David McCampbell
[winner 2010 US Open]

Will MacKenzie

George McNeill

Dave Moreland IV
Pete Morgan
Gary Murphy
Miriam Nagl
Virada Nirapathpongporn
Joe Ogilvie

Nick OHern

Namika Omata
Rob Oppenheim

Charlie Owens
Sean Pacetti
John Pak
Deane Pappas
Carl Paulson
Eddie Pearce
Rod Perry

Tim Petrovic

D.A. Points

Lee Porter
Ted Potter, Jr.

Jim Renner
John Restino
Larry Rinker
Alexandre Rocha
Roger Rowland
Boonchu Ruangkit
Dave Rummells
Curt Saathoff
Akio Sadakata
Mike San Filippo
Sarah Johnston Sargent
Sam Saunders
Jason Schultz

Steve Scott
Kelly Sellers
Matt Sharkey
Patrick Sheehan

John L. Smith
Taylor Smith
Ari Song
Nari Song
Darron Stiles

Jeff Street
Carl Suneson
Julian Suri

Andy Svoboda

Hide Tanihara
Vaughn Taylor

Ron Terry
Steve Thomas
Mario Tiziani
Greg Towne
Austen Truslow
Ted Tryba
Ty Tryon
Jay Williamson

Lee Williamson
Garrett Willis

Casey Wittenberg
Jeff Whitehead
Steve Wilkinson
Guy Woodman
Meredith Marshall Yaun
Kim Young

Note: We apologize to any players who have reached
the "entertainment levels" of tour golf but are not yet listed here.
Also, the players on tours in China, Japan, Korea, South America, Australia and South Africa
belonging on this list will be added as they are identified.
Please, notify us of any errors or omissions so that we may complete our list. Thank you.